Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Happy Birthdays!

Dear Sam and Jordan -

Happy Birthday! I know you're excited, but it's really no reason to be quite so silly. And Jordan, who's your little buddy? I don't think we've been introduced. Sam, I think that bird pooped on you! That can't be sanitary.

Hope you both have wonderful birthdays!

Love, Betsy


Sara said...

Dear Keeper of Birthdays,
Lets throw up a belated something for Cara. Also, can you put LJ's b-day on the list?

Happy Birthday Sam!!!

Lea said...

Sara - That "throw up" comment might not be the best reminder fr the lunatic photoshopper. Cara probably gets enough throw up as it is!! (But Sam just gets bird poop, heehee)
Happy b-day, guys