Friday, January 18, 2008

Brown Trivia #15

Who bought Mom and Dad's wedding rings, and where is Dad's ring now?

Answer to last weeks question:

Mom's grandmother, Florence Owrey Garner, participated in some psychic activities. Mom says she belonged to a small group, but she didn't go to conventions. Whoops. My bad.


Lea said...

Very interesting... Is that where Grandma got her few strange "mystical" ideas?

As for this week's question, I bet I'm the ONLY one who knows the answer about Dad's ring. Should I tell?

Sara said...

I know where Dad's ring is! I would say it's on Mike's finger, where it should be, but I bet it's in Lea's jewelry box.

Betsy said...

See, Lea, you're not the only one who knows. Just cause you're the oldest, you think you're all smart. But who bought them?

Lea said...

Since I'm "all smart" I'll guess Grandpa Krause (2nd guess Grandpa Brown).

Sara's right about the jewelry box. I had to buy Mike a new ring last year. Guess Betsy new that?

Are we the only three who read this blog?