Sunday, June 24, 2007

New Address and New Job

I guess this is now the best place to post our new address and phone number so everyone gets it.
210 E. Fairfax Street #411
Falls Church, VA 22046
Our cell phone numbers are the same : 703-859-2706 (Sara) and 703-859-2707 (Jordan).

other news, Jordan was offered a job at the Department of Commerce! The federal government is a great employer - amazing benefits, good hours and great stability. It is actually really hard to break into. Jordan is going in under their student experience program, which is about the only way you can get in non-competitively. If you go the normal route, it takes forever to apply and hear back about a job, and you have to compete with everyone else in the country who wants it. Jordan's professor is a consultant for the Dept. of Commerce, and recommended Jordan. They offered him a job I think he'll really like, and the salary is much more than we ever dared to hope for. He starts toward the end of July, after we get back from our vacation.

post photos of the vacation when we get back. We are going to camp at Stowe, Vermont for a couple of days (Ben and Jerry's factory is there. Hello free samples!). Then we'll pass through Montreal on our way to Quebec City for a couple of days. Then on to Maine for two nights at Moosehead Lake and two nights at Arcadia National Park.