Friday, December 21, 2007

Brown Trivia #13

This week's question:

What pick-up line did Dave use the first time he met Nath?

Answer to last week's question:

"Are we taking the chainsaw?"

Friday, December 14, 2007

Brown Trivia #12

This week's question:

What was Sam's usual response to the question, "Hey, Sam, want to go fishing?"

Answer to last week's question:

Grand Coulee Dam. Go Sam go! Learn about Grand Coulee Dam here.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

More About Christmas

Turns out that Delta Animal Health is having their Christmas dinner party on December 28th. You are all invited to have dinner with us at the Red Barn in Montrose. Or you may decide not to go. It's up to you.

Friday, December 7, 2007

Brown Trivia #11

This week's question:

What is the name of the semi-famous dam that Grandpa Krause worked on?

Answer to last week's question:

Steve won $5,000 in the lottery. He bought me a Barbie car and boat (with a boat trailer) for Christmas that year.

Thursday, December 6, 2007


Cara you wanted pics of us kids. well here you go

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

I made a blog!

yes I made a blog and it is called the fan mail for angela ( ha ha ha ha) most of you should have gotten a email from me telling you that you are allowed on if not than you can just tell me and i will add you on. Angela

Christmas plans

Hey everyone!

Here's a quick re-cap of the meal plans while you are here:

Dec. 24 and 25: Nath and Dave
Dec. 26: Lea and Mike
Dec. 27: Sara and Jordan
Dec. 28: Sam and Cara
Dec. 29: Steve and Betsy
Dec. 30: Bill and Karen
Dec. 31: Nath and Dave?

We're shooting for Friday the 28th for a family photo. If the photographer is not available, we'll have to try on Christmas Day. Don't worry about colors as that isn't important to Karen. :-)

Check your e-mail as I've left a more detailed message. Can't wait to see you all!

I know the answer to the trivia question I think: Wasn't it $1,000.00?

Saturday, December 1, 2007